What We Offer

Supplying businesses in the Sydney Metropolitan area as well as the ACT, with our large variety of premium products we can support your business whether you are a retail outlet, foodservice, catering or manufacturing.  If you're in need of milk and dairy products within the Sydney region, get in touch with Delicious Dairies. We can supply and distribute all of your milk and dairy needs for your business. Get in touch with us today to order your dairy and milk supplies.


We pride ourselves on sourcing quality products and supporting Australian farms. Working with market leading brands such as a2 milk and Barambah Organics as well as from boutique farms including Gippsland Jersey. We also offer a large assortment of alternative milk products, including Mandole Orchard with its fresh amazing Almond Milk and Almond products.

Yoghurt & Cheese

Natural and flavoured yoghurts available from Baramabah Organics, Brownes or Evia.

Cream & Butter

A large variety of creams are available to suit anyone's needs. Brands include Bulla Dairy, Gippsland Jersey, and Baramabah Organics. We range a variety of premium butters, delicately handcrafted from Coppertree, Gippsland Jersey and Pepe Saya and Mandole Orchard Almond Butter; made fresh on their family farm.


Being a distributor for Bickfords in NSW offers our customers a large range of juices, cordials, drinks, mixes and Syrups. A variety of sizes from Nippy's Juice which offers a variety of unique flavours.

For everything you need all under one roof, we've got you covered. Get in touch with us today to find out which products we have available for your needs.

Require assistance? Contact Us.

To find out more about our products or setting up an account,
call us today on 02 9516 4297